Current Issue
2024 Vol.20, Issue 4
A Study on the Effect of Safety Inspection System on Accident Reduction
안전검사제도가 재해감소에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Young Min Park, Jin Eog Kim
A Study on the Effect of Safety Inspection System on Accident Reduction
Research on Road Safety Analysis Program Utilizing MMS Collected Data on Digital Twin
디지털트윈 기반의 MMS 수집데이터를 활용한 도로 안전 분석 프로그램 연구
Min Ho Son, Il Ryong Kweon
Research on Road Safety Analysis Program Utilizing MMS Collected Data on Digital Twin
Analysis of Building Flood Damage Using HEC-RAS2D and GIS
HEC-RAS2D 와 GIS를 활용한 건물 침수피해 분석
Da Hee Kim, Min Kyung Cho, Hong Sic Yun, Se Yun Lee
Analysis of Building Flood Damage Using HEC-RAS2D and GIS
Evaluation of the Applicability of Direct Algorithm-Based Back Analysis Method for Retaining Walls
흙막이벽에 대한 직접알고리즘 기반 역해석 기법의 적용성 평가
Jun-Seok Lee, Bong-Su Kim, Kang-Il Lee
Evaluation of the Applicability of Direct Algorithm-Based Back Analysis Method for Retaining Walls
Development of Risk Assessment Curve in Water Rescue
수리실험을 통한 수상구조 위험도 곡선 개발
Min-Young Park, Je-Seop Park, Su-Hyun Eom, Joo-Seok Kim, Hong-Sik Kim
Development of Risk Assessment Curve in Water Rescue
A Study on AI Application Methods in Intelligent Manufacturing: Development of an Integrated Monitoring System Using Digital Twin Technology
디지털 트윈 기반의 지능형 제조공정 통합 모니터링 시스템 개발을 통한 AI 기술 적용방안 연구
Dohyun Kim, Wookhyun Yeo, Yongtae Shin
A Study on AI Application Methods in Intelligent Manufacturing: Development of an Integrated Monitoring System Using Digital Twin Technology
A Study on Identifying Risk Factors for Fire Safety in Small and Medium Shipyards
중소형 조선소 화재 안전을 위한 위험요소 도출에 관한 연구
Eun Sol Kim, Seok Un Kim, Eun Soo Son
A Study on Identifying Risk Factors for Fire Safety in Small and Medium Shipyards
The Dilemma of Speed Bumps in Reducing Damage During Traffic Accidents
교통사고 시 피해를 줄이는 과속방지턱의 딜레마
Kiman Hong, Jonghoon Kim
The Dilemma of Speed Bumps in Reducing Damage During Traffic Accidents
A Study on the Reduction of Major Accident by Reinforcing the Role of Orderors for Small-scale Construction Work with Construction Amount of Less than KRW 5 Billion
공사금액 50억 원 미만의 소규모 건설공사에 대한 발주자 역할 강화를 통한 중대재해 저감에 대한 연구
Jin-Kyu Kim, Seung-Tae Kim, Jong-Hun Yun, Joon-Won Lee
A Study on the Reduction of Major Accident by Reinforcing the Role of Orderors for Small-scale Construction Work with Construction Amount of Less than KRW 5 Billion
A Study on the Calculation of Material Damage and Cost-Benefit Analysis for Quantitative Risk Evaluation of Buried Pipes
매설배관의 정량적 위험성 평가를 위한 물적 피해 산출 및 비용-편익 분석 연구
Duk-Han Kim, Youn-Ho Lee, Hyun-Gyu Choi, Ji-Hwan Park, Young-Woo Chon
A Study on the Calculation of Material Damage and Cost-Benefit Analysis for Quantitative Risk Evaluation of Buried Pipes
Study on Verifying the Effectiveness of a Risk Assessment System Using a Smart Platform: Focusing on Mediation Effect Verification
스마트플랫폼을 활용한 위험성 평가 시스템의 실효성 검증연구: 매개효과 검증을 중심으로
Min Yong Song, Doo Hwan Kim, Yu Mi Moon
Study on Verifying the Effectiveness of a Risk Assessment System Using a Smart Platform: Focusing on Mediation Effect Verification
A Study on the Analysis of the Strength Characteristics of Nature-friendly Natural Wood Tree Style
자연친화적 천연목재 수종별 강도특성 분석 연구
Doo hwan Kim, Min yong Song, Byong jeong Choi
A Study on the Analysis of the Strength Characteristics of Nature-friendly Natural Wood Tree Style
A Study on Measurements of Skin Exposure Damage during Firefighting Activities
소방관 화재 진압 활동 시 피부 노출에 따른 손상에 관한 측정연구
Young Sam Lee, Jung Hyun Yoo, Young-Jin Seo, Jong Hoon Kim, Jin Hak Kim, Chun Hee Jo
A Study on Measurements of Skin Exposure Damage during Firefighting Activities
A Study on the Impact Assessment of LPG Filling Stations in the Event of Large Wildfires in WUI-P
WUI-P 대형산불발생 시 LPG충전소 피해영향평가에 관한 연구
Jinchan Park, Joengchan Yun, Jihoon Suh, Minho Baek
A Study on the Impact Assessment of LPG Filling Stations in the Event of Large Wildfires in WUI-P
Study on Fall Detection by Exploiting Wi-Fi CSI and LSTM-Attention Scheme in Indoors
Wi-Fi CSI 데이터 및 LSTM-Attention 기법 기반 실내 낙상 추정 연구
Yongbin Seo, Kyongseok Jang, Youngok Kim
Study on Fall Detection by Exploiting Wi-Fi CSI and LSTM-Attention Scheme in Indoors
Evaluation of the Applicability of FLACS and PHAST Models through the Analysis of Explosion Accidents in Chemical Plants
화학공장에서 발생한 폭발사고 재현 및 분석을 통한 FLACS 및 PHAST 모델의 적용성 평가
Kyung-Su Lee, Chang-Bong Jang, Su-Bin An
Evaluation of the Applicability of FLACS and PHAST Models through the Analysis of Explosion Accidents in Chemical Plants
A Study on Structural Improvement of Personnel Evaluation of Coast Guard
해양경찰 인사평가의 구조적 개선에 관한 연구
BoGyeong Kim, HyeJin Song
A Study on Structural Improvement of Personnel Evaluation of Coast Guard
A Study of the Hazardous and Dangerous Factors Management for the Serious Accidents Prevention in the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise
중소기업의 중대재해 예방을 위한 유해·위험 요인 관리에 관한 연구
ChangYeol Lee, HanKuk Hong, Twehwan, Kim
A Study of the Hazardous and Dangerous Factors Management for the Serious Accidents Prevention in the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise
Numerical Study on Structural Performance of 3-Ply Bellows Expansion Joint consigering Structural Uncertainty
구조적 불확실성을 고려한 3중 적층 벨로우즈 신축이음관의 구조성능에 관한 해석적 연구
Ho-Young Son, Bub-Gyu Jeon, Bu-Seog Ju
Numerical Study on Structural Performance of 3-Ply Bellows Expansion Joint consigering Structural Uncertainty
Evaluation of the Correlation between the Barrier Performance and Multi-spectral Information of the Liner for Preventing the Diffusion of Oil Contaminants according to the Mixture Condition of Reactive Material
유류 오염물 확산 방지를 위한 라이너의 반응재료 배합 조건에 따른 차단 성능과 다분광 정보의 상관성 평가
Jeongjun Park, Gigwon Hong
Evaluation of the Correlation between the Barrier Performance and Multi-spectral Information of the Liner for Preventing the Diffusion of Oil Contaminants according to the Mixture Condition of Reactive Material
A Study on the Improvement of Evacuation Safety by Analysis of the Risk of fire in Cold Logistics Warehouses
저온 물류창고 화재의 위험성 분석을 통한 피난안전 개선방안에 관한 연구
Jin-Woo Lee, Doo-Chan Choi, Jin Chae, Don-Mook Choi
A Study on the Improvement of Evacuation Safety by Analysis of the Risk of fire in Cold Logistics Warehouses