Current Issue
2024 Vol.20, Issue 3
The Analysis on the Relationship between Elections and Wild Fires in Korea From 1991 to 2023
최근 30 년간 우리나라 선거와 산불 발생의 상관관계 분석
Ju Kyeong Choi, Chan Jin Lim, Heemun Chae
The Analysis on the Relationship between Elections and Wild Fires in Korea From 1991 to 2023
Study on Vibration Reduction Rates of Barrier Walls under Load Transmission of High-Speed Trains at 180 km/h
시속 180 km 고속열차 하중전달시 차단벽의 진동저감율 연구
Young-Min Kim, Sung-Wook Choi, Kang-Il Lee
Study on Vibration Reduction Rates of Barrier Walls under Load Transmission of High-Speed Trains at 180 km/h
A Study on Body Cognition According to the Weight Change of Firefighting Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
소방용 공기호흡기 중량 변화에 따른 신체 인지성 연구
Hae Won Lee, Sung Myun Park, Dong Ho Choi
A Study on Body Cognition According to the Weight Change of Firefighting Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
A Study on Risk Assessment of extreme Cold Waves in Energy Storage Facilities According to Climate Change
기후변화에 따른 에너지 저장시설 극한 한파 위험성 평가에 관한 연구
Han-Duk Kim, Eun-Gu Ham, Se-Young Ko
A Study on Risk Assessment of extreme Cold Waves in Energy Storage Facilities According to Climate Change
Analysis on the Effects of Filter Shape and Magnetic Force on the Collecting Efficiency of Welding Spatter
필터 형상과 자력 특성이 용접 불티 포집 효율에 미치는 영향 분석
Yeon-Je Shin, SooHyun So, WooJun You
Analysis on the Effects of Filter Shape and Magnetic Force on the Collecting Efficiency of Welding Spatter
Research on Vulnerability Assessment Indicators and Weights for Ship Accident Using AHP Analysis
AHP 분석을 통한 선박사고 취약성 평가지표 및 가중치에 관한 연구
Woo-Song Jeong, Yong Beom Pyun, Hong Sic Yun, Jae-Joon Lee
Research on Vulnerability Assessment Indicators and Weights for Ship Accident Using AHP Analysis
Research on the Direction of Building an Integrated Smart Platform at Construction Sites
건설현장 통합 스마트플랫폼 구축방향에 대한 연구
Yeon Cheol Shin, Yu Mi Moon
Research on the Direction of Building an Integrated Smart Platform at Construction Sites
Analyzing the Current State of Commercial Mobile Network Communication Systems for Mountain Disaster Response
산지 재난대응을 위한 상용 이동통신망 통신체계 현황분석
Sihyeong Lee, Jungrim Ryu, Minho Baek
Analyzing the Current State of Commercial Mobile Network Communication Systems for Mountain Disaster Response
A Study on the Fire Diffusion Model of Loadable Materials in Rack-Type Warehouse Using FDS
물류시설 적재가연물 FDS 를 통한 화재 확산 모델링에 관한 연구
Yu Bin Joo, Eun Su Son, Sang Il Kim, Doo Chan Choi
A Study on the Fire Diffusion Model of Loadable Materials in Rack-Type Warehouse Using FDS
Analysis of Competency Research Trends of Professional Instructors by Industrial Sector in Korea
국내 산업 분야별 전문강사 역량 연구 동향 분석
Ji-Young Nam, Chong-Soo Cheung
Analysis of Competency Research Trends of Professional Instructors by Industrial Sector in Korea
Study on Predicting Changes in Traffic Demand in Surrounding SOCs Due to Road SOC Construction Using Big Data- Centered Around the Connecting Road between Incheon Yeongjong International City and Cheongna International City (3rd Bridge) -
빅데이터를 활용한 도로 SOC건설에 따른 주변 SOC 교통수요 변화 예측 연구 - 인천 영종국제도시~청라국제도시 간 연결도로(제3연륙교)를 중심으로 -
Byoung-Jo Yoon, Sang-Hun Kang, Seong-Jin Kim
Study on Predicting Changes in Traffic Demand in Surrounding SOCs Due to Road SOC Construction Using Big Data- Centered Around the Connecting Road between Incheon Yeongjong International City and Cheongna International City (3rd Bridge) -