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2024 Vol.20, Issue 3 Preview Page

Original Article

30 September 2024. pp. 644-653
Purpose: Looking for the root cause of a construction accident leads to the problem of unreasonable construction costs and air setting by the person placing an order. In addition, low-cost bidding by a contractor with insufficient capacity is combined, creating an inappropriate construction structure that can cause an accident before the start of construction. Method: Analysis of the problem that the lack of original contractor resources in the construction environment is passed on to suppliers, and the phenomenon that partners and their workers are forced to push ahead with excessive work to secure a minimum margin. Result: Going back to the root of construction accidents, there are several dimensions of causes from physical phenomena to root causes, but the reason why accident prevention measures so far remain almost at the one-dimensional level of responding to the phenomenon is the lack of fundamental cause analysis. Conclusion: It is necessary to shift the paradigm to safety accident measures led by the client (the client) and the government, and construction accidents are reduced only when root cause of construction accidents is found through fundamental cause analysis techniques such as 5Why.
연구목적: 건설사고의 근본원인을 찾다보면 발주자의 무리한 공사비와 공기 책정의 문제로 귀결된다. 여기에 역량이 부족한 시공자의 저가입찰이 맞물리면서 공사의 착공 이전에 사고를 일으킬 수 있는 부적절한 공사 구조가 생성된다. 연구방법: 건설업 환경의 원청사 자원 부족이 협력사에게 전가되는 문제와 협력사, 그 소속 근로자는 최소 마진을 확보하기 위해 무리한 작업을 강행할 수밖에 없는 상황에 내몰리는 현상 분석. 연구결과: 건설 사고 근본을 거슬러 올라가면 물리적 현상부터 근본원인까지 여러 차원의 원인이 있는데도 지금까지의 사고예방 대책은 거의가 현상 대응형 1차원 수준에 머물러 있는 이유는 근본원인 분석 부족이다. 결론: 발주자(처)와 정부 주도의 안전사고 대책으로 패러다임 전환이 필요하고, 5Why와 같은 근본원인 분석 기법을 통하여 건설사고의 Root Cause를 찾아야 건설재해는 감소 된다.
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  2. Cho, C. (2023). "Study on Solutions to the Heavy Work of Safety Managers at Construction Sites." Journal of the Korea Institute of Construction Safety Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-8.
  3. Cho, C. (2023). "The Effect of Smart Safety and Health Activities on Workers' Intended Behavior." Journal of the Society of Disaster Information, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 519-531.
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  • Publisher :The Korean Society of Disaster Information
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국재난정보학회
  • Journal Title :Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
  • Journal Title(Ko) :한국재난정보학회논문집
  • Volume : 20
  • No :3
  • Pages :644-653